The Framework adoption process will resume its series of Special Called meetings beginning September 30. Planning and Zoning Commission adopted an updated schedule of Special Called meetings (listed below) to be held outside of their regularly scheduled monthly meetings.
Between these Special Called meetings, the City will invite various community groups to set up meetings with staff to go over concerns and ask questions (Chamber of Commerce, Tuscaloosa Neighbors Together, etc.).
This page was last updated on: February 9, 2021
Due to COVID-19 and CDC guidelines regarding large groups, the City has been hosting public meetings virtually for the safety of the community. If you are interested in speaking on Framework during one of the Special Called meetings, visit the Planning and Zoning Commission’s webpage to notify staff and learn more about the guidelines for virtual meetings.
All Special Called meetings will be held at 5:00 PM on their scheduled date and will be live-streamed through the City’s cable TV channel (Comcast Channel 20 or AT&T U-Verse Channel 99) and Facebook page:
Updated Special Called Meeting Schedule
September 30, 2020: Special Called Framework Meeting (virtual only)
This meeting covered:
- Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan
- Role the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) has in the Comprehensive Plan
- Role of PZC members on Steering Committee
- Ethics refresher for PZC members
October 7, 2020: Special Called Framework Meeting (virtual only)
This meeting covered:
- Purpose of Strategic Development Concept
- Purpose of Future Land Use map
- Character types
- Category overview
- Purpose
- Intent
October 28, 2020: Special Called Framework Meeting
This meeting covered:
- North Tuscaloosa and the Lakes Concentration Area
- Airport Area
November 19, 2020: Special Called Framework Meeting (Thursday)
This meeting covered:
- West Tuscaloosa Concentration Area
December 7, 2020: Special Called Framework Meeting (virtual only with HPC) (Monday)
This meeting covered:
- Relationship between Future Land Use character types and zoning
- What the character types will mean for development
- HPC’s role
December 14, 2020: Special Called Framework Meeting (virtual only) (Monday)
- Proposed Future Land Use Map Updates
- PZC Agenda
- PZC Presentation (including potential map updates)
- Watch the Meeting
This meeting covered:
- Downtown/University Area Concentration Area
January 11, 2021: Special Called Framework Meeting (Monday)
- Proposed Future Land Use Map Updates
- PZC Agenda
- PZC Presentation (including potential map updates)
- Watch the Meeting
This meeting covered:
- Eastern Growth Area Concentration Area
January 27, 2021: Special Called Framework Meeting
- Proposed Future Land Use Map Updates
- PZC Agenda
- PZC Presentation (including potential map updates)
- Watch the Meeting
This meeting covered:
- Alberta Area
- McFarland Corridor from River to Skyland, I-359 to western edge of Alberta
February 3, 2021: Special Called Framework Meeting
- Proposed Future Land Use Map Updates
- PZC Agenda
- PZC Presentation (including potential map updates)
- Watch the Meeting
This meeting covered:
- Highway 69 South Corridor Concentration Area
- Skyland Boulevard Corridor
February 17, 2021: Special Called Framework Meeting
- Current Drafts
- PZC Agenda
- PZC Presentation
- Watch the Meeting
This meeting covered:
- Review changes based on comment at public meetings
- Adoption
March 3, 2021: Special Called Framework Meeting (not needed)
This meeting will cover:
- Review changes based on comment at public meetings
- Adopt
All meetings will be held virtually or in-person with Staff approval in the City Council Chamber located in City Hall.
Meetings held prior to CDC Guidelines
February 19, 2020: Special Called Framework Meeting
This meeting covered:
- Chapter 3 (Living)
- Chapter 4 (Connecting)
- Chapter 5 (Experiencing)
- Chapter 6 (Competing)
- Chapter 7 (Achieving)
March 4, 2020: Special Called Framework Meeting
This meeting covered:
- Chapter 2 (Growing – general objectives)
- Chapter 2 (Growing): Concentration Areas and maps
- Downtown/University Area
- West Tuscaloosa
State code Section 11-52-10 outlines the process for the adoption of a master plan for development, giving authority to the Planning and Zoning Commission alone to adopt the plan.
Before the adoption of the plan… the commission shall hold at least one public hearing thereon…
The adoption of the plan… shall be by resolution of the commission carried by the affirmative votes of not less than six members of the commission… An attested copy of the plan… shall be certified to the governing body and to the county probate judge.
Through the Framework process, we saw the following community participation:
- 40+ represented organizations and groups in our July-September 2018 Listen and Learn Interviews.
- 11 Steering Committee meetings
- 5 Housing Subcommittee meetings
- 4 Lakes Subcommittee meetings
- 325 individuals at the November 2018 Forum on the Future
- 450 individuals at the November 2019 Open House
The Framework process has been fully transparent, and we are proud of these efforts. The city looks to maintain that transparency through the adoption process.